flume gate controller
outerspace engineered a flume gate controller for Rubicon Systems. Rubicon’s flume gate controls and meters the flow of irrigation water. We redesigned the gate controller housing and access system for their precisely engineered system. Rubicon had successfully trialled their controller units in the field and needed to upgrade the design to make it ready for high volume production.
7 months
- agriculture and environment
- industrial design
- mechanical engineering

We designed the controller to meet an IP66 rating or better, to prevent dust and water ingress, to dissipate heat, to support EMC suppression of radio emissions, and made sure all materials provided protection against the corrosive nature of the environment.

outerspace assessed all aspects of the controller that needed to be modified and provided clever, low cost robust solutions.
Our team upgraded the controller design to overcome production and functionality issues and improved the look of the interfaces, with the inclusion of a lockable cover.

We combined the right materials, manufacturing processes and technologies to suit the performance, environmental and production volume requirements.
We reviewed Rubicon’s existing system and developed concepts for sealing, mounting and construction. We ensured the controller was secure and lockable, to prevent tampering.

We developed a ‘new generation’ design by implementing die-cast aluminum design, rather than Rubicon’s traditional sheet metal construction format.
We detailed and built alpha and beta prototypes. The client tested the prototypes and our engineers modified the design based on field test feedback.

We detailed and engineered the mechanical system, integrating Rubicon’s electronic and display interface components. The cover plate provides total security and weather protection to the LCD screen and keypad interface. The lockable cover protects all components – the electronics, battery and fixing screws.

We provided manufacturing documentation and managed and reviewed initial pilot production and QA documentation.

Managing Director, Comtruk